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28th September 2024 [ 15 / 8 ]   View All Today's Pictures View all Off-Beat pictures Daily News Event Archives
Daily News Events 27th September 2024
Event Name :
FKCCI Annual General Meeting
Event Date :
27th September 2024
Event Description :
Speaker UT Khader with Ramesh Chandra Lahoti, President, FKCCI with Vice President Uma Reddy, Sr Vice President MG Balakrishna during the FKCCI Annual General Meeting at FKCCI, in Bengaluru on Friday 27th September 2024
Photo Date :
27th September 2024
Photo Caption :
Speaker UT Khader with Ramesh Chandra Lahoti, President, FKCCI with Vice President Uma Reddy, Sr Vice President MG Balakrishna during the FKCCI Annual General Meeting at FKCCI, in Bengaluru on Friday 27th September 2024
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