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19th September 2024 [ 10 / 4 ]   View All Today's Pictures View all Off-Beat pictures Daily News Event Archives
Daily News Events 8th September 2024
Event Name :
Seminar on Democracy Constitution and Union System at Gandhi Bhavan
Event Date :
8th September 2024
Event Description :
Dr. G Ramakrishna with Senior Writer Janagere Venkataramaiah and others during Seminar on Democracy, Constitution and Union System at Gandhi Bhavan, in Bengaluru on Sunday 8th September 2024
Photo Date :
8th September 2024
Photo Caption :
Dr. G Ramakrishna with Senior Writer Janagere Venkataramaiah and others during Seminar on Democracy, Constitution and Union System at Gandhi Bhavan, in Bengaluru on Sunday 8th September 2024
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