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18th September 2024 [ 12 / 5 ]   View All Today's Pictures View all Off-Beat pictures Daily News Event Archives
Daily News Events 1st September 2024
Event Name :
Sudha Murty 300th Title Book Release Program
Event Date :
1st September 2024
Event Description :
Sudha Murty, Author with Twinkle Khanna, Actress and Columnist and Deepa Rao Acharya, Writer and Social Entrepreneur, Sohini Mitra, Publisher–Children Division, Penguin Random House India and Ninad Kamath launching the 300th title “Grandpas Bag of Stories” during a program at The Ritz Carlton, in Bengaluru on Sunday 1st September 2024
Photo Date :
1st September 2024
Photo Caption :
Sudha Murty, Author with Twinkle Khanna, Actress and Columnist and Deepa Rao Acharya, Writer and Social Entrepreneur, Sohini Mitra, Publisher–Children Division, Penguin Random House India and Ninad Kamath launching the 300th title “Grandpas Bag of Stories” during a program at The Ritz Carlton, in Bengaluru on Sunday 1st September 2024
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