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6th July 2024 [ 19 / 10 ]   View All Today's Pictures View all Off-Beat pictures Daily News Event Archives
Daily News Events 30th June 2024
Event Name :
Karnataka Union Ministers Inspect Development Works in Bengaluru
Event Date :
30th June 2024
Event Description :
Minister of State for Railways V Somanna and Shobha Karandlaje, Union Minister of State for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises inspect the ongoing redevelopment projects underway at Yeshwanthpur and Bengaluru Cantonment Railway stations, in Bengaluru on Sunday 30th June 2024
Photo Date :
30th June 2024
Photo Caption :
Minister of State for Railways V Somanna and Shobha Karandlaje, Union Minister of State for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises inspect the ongoing redevelopment projects underway at Yeshwanthpur and Bengaluru Cantonment Railway stations, in Bengaluru on Sunday 30th June 2024
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