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Daily News Events 24th June 2024
Event Name :
Newly Elected Karnataka MLCs Swearing In Program at Vidhana Soudha
Event Date :
24th June 2024
Event Description :
Newly elected JD(S) MLC Javaraigowda being greeted by Chief Minister of Karnataka Siddaramaiah and Council Chairman Basavaraj Horatti, during swearing in ceremony of MLCs at Vidhana Soudha, in Bengaluru on Monday 24th June 2024
Photo Date :
24th June 2024
Photo Caption :
Newly elected Congress MLC Dr. Yatindra being greeted by Chief Minister of Karnataka Siddaramaiah and Council Chairman Basavaraj Horatti, during swearing in ceremony of MLCs at Vidhana Soudha, in Bengaluru on Monday 24th June 2024
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