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Daily News Events 23rd June 2024
Event Name :
Book Release program at BM Shree Kala Bhavan
Event Date :
23rd June 2024
Event Description :
Nadoja Dr. Baraguru Ramachandrappa releasing the books titled "Kolla" and "Banjara and Gipsy" at BM Shree Kala Bhavan, also seen are Dr. Govindaswamy, Chairman, Banjara Culture and Language Academy, RG Halli Nagaraju, Prof. Dharanindra Kurakuri, in Bengaluru on Sunday 23rd June 2024
Photo Date :
23rd June 2024
Photo Caption :
Nadoja Dr. Baraguru Ramachandrappa releasing the books titled "Kolla" and "Banjara and Gipsy" at BM Shree Kala Bhavan, also seen are Dr. Govindaswamy, Chairman, Banjara Culture and Language Academy, RG Halli Nagaraju, Prof. Dharanindra Kurakuri, in Bengaluru on Sunday 23rd June 2024
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